Saturday, February 20, 2010


Nesting is an emotional and biological instinct to have the urge to clean, tidy, and organize during pregnancy.  Boy do I have that! Jesse and I have been nesting like two little squirrels for the past month in preparation for baby! It all started when we had someone come in to clean the house for us as our Christmas present to each other. Since then we have gone through every room, cabinet, drawer, and closet to de-clutter, simplify, and organize. The local Salvation Army has received many trash bags full of goodies due to our cleaning efforts. I have even gone as far as buying bins and labeling them to keep things tidy. Family and friends have generously and graciously helped me in my nesting sprees as well by assisting in cleaning and organizing my walk-in-closet, freezer, and fridge. Now we're trying to stock up on meals. We cooked up some extra lasagnas and meatballs to freeze, and stocked the cabinets. Bit by bit we've been slowly checking things off the list, and I would say that we are officially ready to welcome baby to our Maynard nest! 
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