Friday, November 20, 2009

Doctors Appointment

Today I had my monthly doctor's appointment. My total weight gain so far is 14 pounds, and tummy/baby are measuring and growing right on track. The Doctor measured my belly today which was 22 1/2 cm, and it usually correlates with how far along you are, and I am 23 weeks. My blood pressure was good 104/62, and I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat which I love. The Doc gave me the green light for some Tums or Zantac if I need it for some reflux I have been encountering due to all my insides relaxing and moving up. I go back in a month on December 18th for my lovely glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. All in all we're doing great, and looking forward to the holiday days off and fun next week!
My co-worker Jessica loaned me her Snoggle pillow to assist in comfortable sleep. I'll be testing it out tonight!


  1. Wow, dear, that is a beautiful blood pressure! So glad to hear everything is going well. I'm coming home for Turkey day next week... hope we can catch up again :o)

  2. Hi Shanni~ The doctor above said it all! Sounds like things are moving along perfectly! Enjoy that pillow.....looks really "funky"!

  3. Hey girl... here are some natural remedies for heartburn/reflux:
    Banana Eating bananas seems to be very beneficial for relieving heartburn. Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body. You may also use ground dried banana.

    Chamomile Make a tea by simmering 1 teaspoon of licorice root in 11/4 cups of water for 10 minutes in a covered pot. Add 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile, cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink.

    Clove, oil of Put a few drops of oil of clove in a glass of water and sip slowly.

    Ginger root Take a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root or 1,000 mg of the powder daily. This remedy can be more effective than any over-the-counter or prescription medication. Ginger is helpful for indigestion, especially if it is due to eating spicy foods.

    Licorice Sold as DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), take two 250 mg chewable tablets, or break open a 250 mg capsule and dissolve in two ounces of water and drink it. Note: do not take if you have hypertension.

    Turmeric helps stimulate digestion and prevents acid build-up. Curried foods contain turmeric. If you don't use turmeric in your cooking, take 2-3 1/2-1 gr capsules before meals.

    Sipping aloe vera juice.
