Wednesday, July 21, 2010

4 Months

Jaxson had his 4 month doctor's appointment today.  He tipped the scales at 18 lbs, and is 27 inches long. He is in the 95th percentile for both weight and length. 
Jaxson got the green light if we wanted to start some rice cereal and then baby food. However, the doctor and I agreed that since he is doing so well on breast milk alone, and hasn't quite got his upper body strength to sit in a high chair I am going to wait on introducing the cereal for a few more weeks. He doesn't seem to have a weight or sleeping through the night problem =)
Jaxson has been a teething/drooling machine. He is chomping down on anything he can get his little hands onto, and I need to watch what is in his reach. It still might be some time before we see those pearly whites poke through. He has been talking, squealing, and laughing a ton. He enjoys being tickled, read to, and games like Peek-A-Boo, looking at himself in the mirror, and grabbing toys on his play mat. 
With only 5 weeks till I go back to work full time Jaxson and I have our work cut out for us in getting ready. We are going to slowly start introducing more feedings with bottles especially during the times that I will be at work. We are also going to work on getting down for naps on his own when he is sleepy, since daycare does not have a fabulous front porch swing to lull him to sleep. 
He repeated the same round of shots that he got at his 2 month visit, and took it like a champ only crying for a few seconds and then back to his merry self. We return to the doctors at the end of September for his 6 month check up. 
P.S. Tonight Jaxson got a bed time bottle and fell asleep in his crib while I sang the ABC's to him. No rocking, no binkie. It's a miracle especially since I can't sing. Good boy Jaxson, you always make Mommy and Daddy so proud.

1 comment:

  1. Jaxson~ What a good boy you are and what great parents you have! You are so lucky! Tell mommy not to worry about going back to school, as you will be just as good at day care and will be waiting to greet her with a BIG smile each day that she picks you up! <3! Also, tell her that whether she has a good voice or not doesn't matter, because you LOVE it!!! See you soon big man! Love you tons! XOXOXOXO
