It's beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas.....
Jesse and I have almost got all our Christmas cards out, shopping done, and the stockings are hung by the chimney with care. Here are some early Winter happenings in the Maynard household.
Our little Indian on his first Thanksgiving! He was under the weather but still a delight, and ate up his sweet potatoes and avocados.
Jesse and I went out for a night on the town to my 10 year Attleboro High School reunion the night after Thanksgiving.
We LOVE our Sundays to snuggle and nap by the wood stove watching football.
This gorgeous afghan was knitted for Jaxson by his Great Uncle John's mother who is in her 90's.
Jaxson had his first big visit to meet Santa at the beautiful Brigg's Nursery. He did a fantastic job. He checked him out as we tried to get a smile. Then the little lip began to quiver so....
we took a family picture.
Jaxson has been a extremely good boy this year. He weighs about 23 lbs. and continues to eat and sleep wonderfully. He has 4 teeth upstairs and 2 downstairs. He loves to crawl, play, talk and walk around the house holding our hands. He's also climbing now so the baby gates are up! Jaxson makes little fishy faces while he eats, and the wonderful words "ma-ma" have reached his vocabulary after mastering "da-da." He has also added "na-na" "gack" "ugg" and "eh" to his sweet baby babble. He has his 9 month wellness check-up at the end of this month.